Tuition, Courses & Career Advice
Like to learn, but don’t want to commit to a long term course or high fees?
Prefer to be working but would like to still be able to study online?
Like to try different types of courses to see what suits?
Thinking of a career in IT but not sure just where your talents lie?
Career advice - especially adults or kids who are not “mainstream”?
We Can Help With That!

Getting Down to Business
What comes to mind when you think of the word "business" - the corner store, a bicycle shop, a factory, a restaurant, a professional office, a tradesman's ute, an outback station or a laptop waiting on a slow satellite internet connection in a dusty corner of south west Queensland ? Whatever your image, a business course is a handy addition to your toolbox of essential skills.
Are you self-employed ? for example
- have an ABN and contract your labour
- running a retail, home-based or online business as a sole trader
- a self-employed tradesperson
then a small business course with an emphasis on financial management is a must.
It's Time
Maybe it's been a while since you were in the paid workforce but now the kids are off to build their own lives you're heading out the door to freedom to finally learn, earn and choose a path that suits you.
We can give you advice on careers, courses and more.. the essentials for your new journey.
Job Applications
Changing Jobs or Entry Level
Simple - just answer the selection criteria, write the resume, create the cover letter..no problems. Need a hand? Give us a call - we've done a few..

Need a hand with your studies?
We know what it is like to be stuck with a course -we've tutored in maths, business and sciences through to third year university level. What we've found is that if you are smart enough to start the course you are usually smart enough to finish it. Sometimes it just needs a study buddy to make observations from outside the square. Then you can realise what needs to be done and get on with the job.