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Station Services

Repairs & Maintenance around property – fences, make gates, portable panels, corner assemblies, strainer posts steel, all aspects of welding..

Repairs & Maintenance around house, quarters etc – e.g. ...carpentry (Trade qualified), (steps, rails, windows etc.)  tiling

Machinery and vehicle servicing and maintenance – oil change, filters, greasing, replacing parts etc. 
Vehicle Wash Down


Drive - Grader, loader etc., Truck driver (MC licence)

Stock Work - Casual stock and stationhand work
Mustering, weaner schooling, droving with horses (own working plant)

Caretaking - Rest assured your property is in experienced hands while you are away, with maintenance and animal welfare taken care of. 

Own equipment including generator, welder etc.

Animal brown horse
Recycled Paper

Mobile:  0466 871 959 or: 0417 739 990
         or: 0456 406 163
email: or

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