Station Services
Repairs & Maintenance around property – fences, make gates, portable panels, corner assemblies, strainer posts steel, all aspects of welding..
Repairs & Maintenance around house, quarters etc – e.g. ...carpentry (Trade qualified), (steps, rails, windows etc.) tiling
Machinery and vehicle servicing and maintenance – oil change, filters, greasing, replacing parts etc.
Vehicle Wash Down
Drive - Grader, loader etc., Truck driver (MC licence)
Stock Work - Casual stock and stationhand work
Mustering, weaner schooling, droving with horses (own working plant)
Caretaking - Rest assured your property is in experienced hands while you are away, with maintenance and animal welfare taken care of.
Own equipment including generator, welder etc.

Mobile: 0466 871 959 or: 0417 739 990
or: 0456 406 163
email: marg@mulgatraining.com.au or stationservicesswq@gmail.com