- Do you have a story to tell?
- Would you like to publish a book but don't know where to start?
- Have you checked on the internet and found a number of companies offering services
to assist you to “realise your dream of becoming a published author”? But the price tag was.. well.. too far out there!
Mulga Mob Publishing will -- Show/Tell you (at our place or by phone) how to truly self-publish by doing most of the work yourself and only paying for the services you need.
(This advice is Free!)
-- Give you pointers on how to find those services (example - editing, cover design) and help you to make an assessment of the value for money aspect of those services.
(This advice is Free!)
-- Give you telephone support throughout your self-publishing expedition
(Cost - 2 hours free, $22.00/half-hour blocks thereafter)
-- Teach you how to use design and editing software to create a file suitable for a commercial printing machine - so you only need to pay for the actual material costs of printing, not the print file preparation work.
(Cost is $44.00/hr & the average time to learn the techniques is 2 hours.)
We can help you with a website. - Have a look at http://www.outbackgoverness.com.au
(Do it yourself with minimal phone or onsite support - Free! .
We build it $350.00 - updates free for 3 months and we can teach
you how to do those yourself.)
Have a look at this website (www.booksfromthebush.com.au)
to see some of the books published by Mulga Mob Publishing
Writing just for family and friends? - There is no minimum quantity for a print run, which
suits family memoirs, poetry, and other books that you may like
to write just for family and friends.
All work done in Australia - not overseas.
email: marg@mulgatraining.com.au
109 Galatea Street, Charleville, Queensland, Australia
Phone 0746541616 Mob 0417 739 990
If You've Got The Will YOU Can Self-Publish
Marketing & Sales - if you are willing to do the marketing then sales will follow.
Here are a couple of examples
A first-time author sold 800 copies in four months - just by utilizing some free marketing opportunities in her local area. The author's only cost was for the printing (~$5.00/book).
By starting with a small quantity (50 - cost of $250) and using the profit along with the original $250 (now recouped) she doubled the print run.... and.... well you can do the math. Within a year this very senior citizen had sold so many books that she happily used the profits to go on a cruise.
Another first-time ('an old ringer from the Top End..') marketed by personally going in to bookshops in towns close to where he lived. He sold 500 in one month, has since written 4 more books and the sales keep on rolling. (That's just two senior citizens from the bush!)
E-Books - Mulga Mob will teach you how to setup your manuscript as an ebook.
The absolutely cheapest way to get your story out there is to format it as an ebook.
If you want to publish as an ebook for iPad, Kindle, Kobo, or any other ereader
it can be published on the web free of charge. Your creative works can be sold
on the web on sites such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, and more.. for a very tiny commission (as low as 5% of the marked price) or downloaded directly from your website.
No need for you to setup your own site or payment gateway - all you need is a PayPal account for the buyer to deposit money into.
To find out more about Mulga Mob Publishing
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