Do you have a story to tell?

- Do you have a story to tell?
- Would you like to publish a book but don't know where to start?
- Have you checked on the internet and found a number of companies offering services to assist you to “realise your dream of becoming a published author”? but the price tag was.. well.. too far out there!
Mulga Mob Publishing can
-- Show/Tell you (at our place or by phone) how to truly self-publish by doing most of the work yourself and only paying for the services you need. (This advice is Free!)
-- Give you pointers on how to find those services (for example - editing, cover design) and help you to make an assessment of the value for money aspect of those services.
(This advice is Free!)
-- Give you telephone support throughout your self-publishing expedition (Cost - 1 hour free, $22.00/half hour blocks thereafter)
-- Teach you how to use design and editing software to create a file suitable for a commercial printing machine - so you only need to pay for the actual material costs of printing, not the print file preparation work. (This Cost is $55.00/hr & the average time to learn the technique is 2 hours.)
-- Help you with a website. (Example - www.outbackgoverness.com )
(Do it yourself with phone or onsite support - Free! . We build it $550.00 - updates free for 6 months and we can teach you how to do those yourself.)
Mulga Mob Publishing can do it all for you at a very affordable price - just ask us for a no obligation quote.
Have a look at Books From The Bush to see books published by the Mulga Mob.
If You've Got The Will, YOU Can Self-Publish
And if you are willing to do the marketing then ...
A first-time author sold 800 copies in four months - just by utilising some free marketing opportunities in her local area. The author's only cost was for the printing (~$5.00/book). By starting with a small quantity (50 - cost of $250) and using the profit along with the original $250 (now recouped) she could double the print run and.. well you can do the math..
Another first-timer marketed by personally going into bookshops in towns close to where he lived. He sold 500 in one month.
(not bad for a couple of senior citizens from the bush!)
Writing just for family and friends? - There is no minimum quantity for a print run - which suits family memoirs, poetry, and other books that you may like to write just for family and friends.
All work done in Australia - not overseas.
email: marg@mulgatraining.com.au